Disabilities, Uncategorized

Has it really been a year?!

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a year since I wrote anything on here. I opened the app a few days ago, to share the website with a friend, and noticed how the last post was written for Disability pride month. And yet here we are again, in July the month of Disability pride, only… Continue reading Has it really been a year?!

Disabilities, Thoughts and feelings

Disability Pride Month – Disability should not be seen as a bad thing, or a bad word!

It's that time of year again, where we celebrate disability and all the positives and good things about having a disability. July is disability pride month where we share the love and pride of our disabilities and what it means to live with a disability. Allowing us to celebrate the positives of disability and breaking… Continue reading Disability Pride Month – Disability should not be seen as a bad thing, or a bad word!

Books/films and other media reviews of characters and stories involving disability

My thoughts on the blind girl in Avatar The Last Airbender.

I thought I'd do something slightly different today, since I haven't been able to come up with anything to write, or been inspired by anything. I don't usually review things on here, or I haven't done. But perhaps we can have a reviewing section where I talk about my feelings on books, films, shows etc… Continue reading My thoughts on the blind girl in Avatar The Last Airbender.

Thoughts and feelings

New Year, Same Me! Why I Don’t set Goals or resolutions!

It's that time of year when everyone is setting goals, thinking about making changes and making resolutions that probably won't stick. Come new years eve and everyone acts like they're about to shed the year like an old, warn coat that needs throwing away. They speak as though January 1st will bring changes, they'll become… Continue reading New Year, Same Me! Why I Don’t set Goals or resolutions!

Thoughts and feelings

Looking Back At The Positives of 2020!!

The year 20202 has been a strange year to say the least, while it hasn't been the most positive of years for most people, for me it hasn't been too bad. It could have been much worse. So I wanted to look at some of the good things that happened in 2020, and reflect on… Continue reading Looking Back At The Positives of 2020!!